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MI-114 Batching Controller



4 In Stock

MI114 BC

Features As a high precision batching controller and indicator, MI114 has 3 relay outputs, RS232 output and 4-20mA/0-10V analogue outputs as standard. This high speed, panel mount indicator can be connected to a maximum of 16 x 700ohm load cells or 8 x 350 ohm load cells and works on 230V mains power....
$545.00 NZD
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As a high precision batching controller and indicator, MI114 has 3 relay outputs, RS232 output and 4-20mA/0-10V analogue outputs as standard. This high speed, panel mount indicator can be connected to a maximum of 16 x 700ohm load cells or 8 x 350 ohm load cells and works on 230V mains power.

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